Move forward: Not because you are perfect. But because He is and you are in Him.

To my fellow pilgrims on a faith journey: It is so important to remember that our righteousness (right standing with God) is not up to us – it’s up to Him. If we try to be perfect in our own efforts – it will never happen. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll just turn overwhelmed and lethargic at the impossible feat and just give up. But if we truly grasp the grace that our Maker chose to wrap us in the righteousness of His own Son, we’ll skip forward like a happy toddler with nothing to prove to a doting parent. We will want to run forward because of the knowing that even the most wavering of steps brings a smile to the face of our Father. And we are His. No matter what.

What would your warning label say?

This “What would your warning label say?” question floating around social media triggered a lot of thought (and, of course a new blog post) in me this morning.

My warning label would say, “Stronger and more complicated than meets the eye.” – A “still water runs deep” kind of vibe. I think I’ve been sized up more than once in my life as the quiet compliant one; someone others might be able to mold into whomever they want or need her to be. But those who made those assumptions were often later caught off guard by the stubborn fierceness of a complicated soul.

It’s a good thing our Maker is not surprised or put off by our warning labels. I’m thankful that my #GoodGoodFather is big enough to handle this big personality with even bigger dreams and ideas sometimes hidden beneath a thin layer of quiet and calm. Know this friends: however foreboding your fictitious warning label may be to others, God can handle all of you – and very much wants you to place all of you in His hands so He can.