Living Life Out of Order is EXAUSTING!

be stillSo… I have been thinking a lot about why we in our abundance-filled Western culture seem to be unhappy and struggling much of the time.

A couple things have recently helped me wrap my head around this a little bit more and got me thinking maybe we become so miserable because we are simply living life out of order.

We are designed to be still and centered on the inside (spirit and emotions) while being busy and productive on the outside (physical realm) in order to create more beauty in this world our Good Father God has left in our hands. The way I have gotten this beautifully-designed order all mixed up is by living much of my life with a busy mind and spirit (filled up with chatter, clatter, and worry) while my body has been motionless (stuck in the bed or on the couch practically paralyzed from stress and fear. Now I am learning the importance of staying spiritually and mentally in a state of rest, stillness, and “centeredness” while staying in a strong forward-press with the rest of me!

So what has been helping me learn recently to “flip-flop” my life operations back to a pattern of peace on the inside and productivity on the outside?

First, Derrick Golden, Pastor of my Amazing Church (yes, that’s really my church’s name – and for good reason!) in my beautiful city McKinney, Texas, has been teaching a series called Intentional Faith University (simply click the link to listen to the teaching) which has served as a timely reminder for me to focus on the faithfulness of my Father, God, rather than the seeming impossible obstacles that sometimes seem to close in on our lives.

Next, I make a point to surround myself with those who inspire and motivate me rahter than those who fill me with negativity that contradicts the truth my Father, God, has laid out in His Word (a.k.a. The Bible). And that includes being very selective about what I read and follow on social media.

But some social media contributors can be a very positive influence in your life. One of my favorite Instagram pages is @PlanetBossThings from the owner of Boss Things Apparel. And today this picture was shared on that page which went right along with all the motivation and inspiration Holy Spirit has been pricking my heart with lately.


So, I challenge you…  I challenge me… let’s make our tomorrows different and better than our yesterdays by working hard to be still and settled on the inside while active and productive on the outside. I know it won’t be easy because it’s a new way of living and thinking. But I know it will be worth it.

Mindset Matters: Weather Checks Before Running and Other Such Nonsense


Time to get back out and excercise. Wait… first, let me check the weather.

But for someone reason this morning I asked myself, “Why do I check the weather before I head outside to exercise?”

To be honest…  before these thoughts this morning my “pre-run weather checks” were really the time I took to find an excuse not to do what I need to do.  Evidence of this is the fact that I haven’t gone running in weeks even though I actually like to run and feel and function oh-so-much better when I do.  “Hmmmm….” go my thoughts, “It’s a little too hot or a little too cold. Wait!! Is that a raindrop?!??   Better wait for better weather!”

STOP IT, TRACY!! (And yes, I meant to use italicized all caps right there. Sometimes I need to yell at myself).  No more making time to find excuses. Of course I do need to check the weather. I live in North Texas. Within the same week I may need to wear rain gear, shorts and a tank top, or a parka. But my mindset for my weather check needs to be “How do I need to prepare for what I’m about to do?” instead of “Why I probably shouldn’t do this today.”

So, see you in a bit. I’m headed outside to become a better version of me. Join me??