Growing Young

Anyone who has met my Dad knows that one of his favorite pastimes is joking around with anybody and everybody around him.

Well…. he’s met his match in pranksters in the teaching team of West Park Baptist’ Church’s Parent’s Day Out program (where my amazing Mom loved teaching preschoolers before heading to Heaven and my Dad now volunteers)!

Dad gets there every morning before anyone else so he can have the coffee made and be at his post by the door to greet the little ones with his infamous “high five” from “Mr. Jay”. He starts his day by hanging his hat on a hook before he goes about his business.

Over the past few weeks, Dad goes to retrieve his hat at day’s end often finds that one of the teachers has “kidnapped” it. Dad then must go on a hunt – sometimes complete with ransom notes and clues – to find it.

On the last day of school before Thanksgiving, the hat was still on its hook – but it had been turned into a turkey!

At age 82, Dad is showing me that there is an alternative to growing old. We can choose to grow young by never taking ourselves too seriously and not missing opportunities to make someone else smile.

Thanks, Dad! You’ll always be my favorite turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Not Just Another Monday


As we begin this new week, may we rise up each day with joyful expectation and watchful hearts so we don’t miss the miraculous beauty and moving moments our Heavenly Father pours out on us – strengthening us to tackle every task with excellence and passionate artistry.

May we be “just like our Daddy”. He is our Amazing Creator.

So, may we walk into this week looking to create beauty: leaving every place we step better than we found it rather than just trying to make it through and get things done.

Father, open our hearts to see the beauty, and empower our wills and our spirits to add to it.  In Jesus Name….

How to have an AMAZING Thanksgiving: Advice from a Friend

I have so very much to be thankful for on this and every day.   But one of most favorite blessings is being surrounded by amazing people.  So, rather than my own words this morning, I’m sharing  thoughts on this Psalm shared by my friend/mentor, Edna Roberts. Thanks to her, there’s some loud happy singing happening at my house this Thanksgiving morning!


WOW! I saw this scripture this morning and it gave my soul delight! I am singing in my heart today. I am sooooo thankful for Jesus because without His love for me, I would have, and be Nothing! I am just going to sing and think and praise My God for His Goodness towards me! (On second thought, y’all know me….  I am going to be singing Out Loud today with songs of Thanksgiving! Sooooo join me today, whenever you think of the wonderful things that God has done for you…Break out in song! Let’s fill the earth today with voices of Praise)!!!!
Edna Roberts
Bout That Lemonade Life