My Morning Anthem….

The song “Good and Gracious King” by CityAlight has become an anthem for me lately.

Let’s face it… on most days, even the best around us want something from us. Bosses want us to produce. Family wants us to love, support, and nurture. And church and community want us to serve…. As they all should. But it’s no wonder we can easily slip into falsely believing our identity is what we do rather than who we are.

That’s why time sitting at the feet of my Maker remembering that He is “the King in need of nothing” who loves me simply because I am His is an absolutely necessary recentering moment for me. Walking into my day singing “empty handed I rejoice” and “by Your love I am accepted” frees me from being overwhelmed by my tasks for the day because of a desperate need for acceptance weighs me down with the fear of messing up. Instead, I can face the tasks and people in front of me as a completely loved masterpiece of my Maker.

How I perform today doesn’t make or break me, but simply allows me to imitate my maker by creating love and beauty all around me from the over-flowing joy and love of His Spirit in me.

“You deserve the greater glory
Overcome with joy I sing
By Your love I am accepted
You’re a good and gracious King”